David López-García
Senior Research Fellow
Department of Urban Planning and Policy
Pronouns: He / Him
Building & Room:
412 S Peoria St., Room 236
Dr. David López-García is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Urban Planning and Policy. Before joining UIC, he was Visiting Lecturer in the Urban Studies Department at Queens College-CUNY and Visiting Research Scholar in the Observatory on Latin America (OLA) at The New School. He received his PhD in Public and Urban Policy from The New School, in New York City. Broadly speaking, Dr. López-García’s research spans urban inequalities, urban accessibility, urban political economy, and policy mobilities.
His book, a result of his doctoral dissertation, titled “Worker mobility and urban policy in Latin America: Policy interactions and urban outcomes in Mexico City” is in print with Routledge and forthcoming in October 2022. He has conducted research in cities of the United States, Mexico, Bolivia, China, Uganda, and Tanzania. His research has been published in peer review journals such as the Journal of Public Deliberation, Estudios Demográficos y Urbanos, the Annals of the American Association of Geographers, and is forthcoming in the Journal of Urban Affairs, and Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space. He is currently a guest editor for a special issue titled “Accessibility Turn in Urban Research: Policy Implications from Latin America and the Global South”, forthcoming in the journal Area Development and Policy.
Dr. López-García is part of several international research networks. He is an active member in the Latin American Chapter of the International Network for Transport and Accessibility in Low-Income Communities (INTALInC-LAC), the Spatial Inequalities Working Group at El Colegio de México, and the Policy Mobilities Working Group (PMWG) organized by Tec de Monterrey and Universidad de los Andes.
Ph.D. in Public and Urban Policy, The New School, 2021.
M.Phil. in Public and Urban Policy, The New School, 2018.
M.S. in Comparative Public Policy, FLACSO-México, 2014.
B.A. in Management, University of Guadalajara, 2004.